Hepatology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study of conditions affecting the liver and biliary tree. Hepatology includes all forms of infectious hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, and cholangitis; hereditary disorders including Wilson’s disease, alcoholic liver disease, and liver failure; and hepatic malignancies such as hepatocellular carcinoma.
For optimal comprehension, the medical student should be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the liver and biliary tree. Additionally, basic knowledge of the pathophysiology of infectious, autoimmune, and metabolic conditions is encouraged.
Conditions affecting the liver are common in western countries, especially those with a high prevalence of alcohol abuse. Hepatitis B is a condition that continues to pose a significant public health concern.
Patients with liver diseases tend to be chronically ill and have multiple comorbidities that lead to frequent hospitalization. Therefore, a competent physician must understand the underlying pathophysiology of these disorders and provide holistic and adequate care. Additionally, a grasp of the main ailment will empower general practitioners to include the patient in the appropriate referral pathway, as the suspicion of primary biliary pathology requires an approach and follow-up different from that for hepatic malignancies.